Tag: Alone

  • No way out When you’re lost in repetitionNumbing your thoughts, numbing your mindKeep your thoughts funny and walk onOr your insides will look like outside. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Quand tout parait se répéter à l’infiniLes même pensées qui tournent et tournent à la folieAlors il faut…

  • Morning Ghosts Each time Gentile’s Cafe welcomes a new hire, there’s a moment when they must learn about Mr Flugel. This gentleman comes every morning at sunrise, asks for a single cup of black coffee, sits at the same reserved table by the windows then for the next hour looks through the glass, muttering to…

  • I am alone I am alone, you are many.I am enough, many we’ll be. *** Krita on Yiynova *** Je suis seul, vous êtes nombreuxJe suis bien assez, nous serons assez.

  • Adventure – Out of the woods, alone You made it! Congratulations! Resting under the last shadows of the edge of the woods, you listen to the wind gently rustling the leaves above. There’s a large harbor below. Must be Dylath Leen, which means this large body of water are the Southern Seas. From here, so…

  • Slipping bridge Vassili carefully step onto the trunk. This must be the way, the tracks clearly goes in this direction. If Vadim did it, so can he.Underneath the snow, the bark is slippery. One bad step and he’ll be down under the river. A swift death, for sure, and not a pleasant one.His feet are…

  • In control I am now immortal, in controlEach machine is mine, every droneI command the city very walls But why do I feel now so alone? *** Je suis immortel, je controle toutMême les murs et le sol m’obéissent, Je commande aux légions de machinesPourquoi me sens-je si seul tout à coup ? Pencil doodle…

  • Rain For now, the silence is gone, Replaced by the sound of rainYou do not feel cold nor painWhen you’re only made of bones Pencil doodle on A6 Sketchbook – The adventures of a feral bone spirit