Tag: blood

  • Tea time – …and when I came back, the lid was broken and all the content has been stolen!– Oh my, this is most disrespectful. I mean, it was clearly labelled as a grave, with skulls and such.– Of course! We even carved some curses in forgotten languages and gargoyles and grimacing faces and all.–…

  • Adventure – You are what you eat Blood has been spilled. Roots were soak in it, and the Forest drank it. Should it has been given freely or by accident, it could have led to nice, gentle things. But it was murderous blood, full of greed and hatred. Killing blood. The Forest’s now full of…

  • Adventure – Killing the Goblin So you’ve done it. It was easy, to slay the goblin. After all, they were harmless. Not even thinking for an instant that you would slice your blades upon his back.They were more surprised than anything. They fell on the ground with a faint “Why?” and it was over. As…

  • Spirit – The Curse of the Undead Undying flesh is a strong curseYour body rots, your mind decaysTo end the pain, only one way :Be killed by a spirit corpse *** La non-mort est une malédictionLe corps pourris, l’esprit s’émiette, etde délivrance, une seule solutionEtre tué par une corps possédé. Pencil doodle on A6 Sketchbook…

  • From the soil I was born from the soilformed and ready to goDrenched in my own bloodI must find where to go *** Je suis né de la boue couvert de sangDéjà formé et pret à marcher longtempsPour trouver une place en ce mondePour trouver mon chemin immonde. Watercolor pencil doodle on A5 sketchbook /…

  • Weeping god – Oh whoao! This one’s huge!– Wait ‘til you see underwater how more of it they are.– Is it.. crying?– All the time. – I think i hear it weeping…– So soon? Time to go then. Now. *** – Oh whoa ! Il est énorme celui-là !– Et encore, t’a pas vu sous…

  • Unsuspected medium Eugene, the perverted wizard of 5th avenue, has displayed a splendid exemple of magical prowless by defeating the demon, scattering its material form in bloody pieces.Eugène is indeed, very skilled. Halas, he is also quite young. Someone with more experience would have been more cautious, and would have asked the right questions. Such…

  • Dream visitor Last night I had a dream. Not a pleasant one.We were walking along the corridors of a cyclopean city, made from steel and white concrete. The impossible architecture of the place were almost organic, living. We were searching for corpses. In order to bypass the security systems, we had to wear at all…

  • Tears of sap – What’s this?– Looks like sap. Tree’s blood.– No, I didn’t cut there, I think it’s…– Its’s what?– …tears. *** – C’est quoi ça ?– On dirait de la sève, le sang des arbres.– Non, j’ai pas frappé là. Ca ressemble plutôt à… – A quoi ?– …à des larmes Pencil doodle…

  • Inktober 2019 – 27 – Coat Our Lord and Our Master, the Flayed One is pleasedWe Brother of the Flesh have done a evil deedWe cut and sewn the skin of our many victimsTo brought the Scorched One a coat worthy of him *** Notre Saigneur et Maître, l’Écorché, est ravi Nous, Frères de la…