Tag: broken

  • Is they going to be ok? – Oh tell us, maker, is they gonna be ok?– Yes, please maker, tell us.– Shh… Let me work *** Krita on Yiynova *** – Oh dites nous Créateur, va-t-il s’en sortir ?– Oui, dites-nous créateur – Shh… laissez moi travailler     

  • Astronomy to be revised What do you mean by “My last experimentation has revolutionized astronomy”? *** Que voulez-vous dire par “Ma dernière expérience a révolutionné l’astronomie” ?

  • Total extermination is delayed – Yes… hello? I’m calling for… wait a moment. Psst! What’s the serial number?– UltimateDeathKillGigantizor MkIV LJN556-003– You heard that? …Good. So I’m calling for a troubleshooting regarding lower activators on the… What? Again!?– What is it?– They put me on hold. Again. At this rate we’ll never be on time…

  • The bottle is broken

    The bottle is broken What have you done ! *** Qu’avez-vous fait ! Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Criterium sur carnet A6

  • Feral bone spirit -31- Scattered You found the spirit, at lastBut it felt from afar, halas!How will you do little rabbitWill you collect all the bits? *** Lapin retrouve l’esprit d’osMais il est trop tard, hélasSes os gisent brisés, éparsComment soigner ce déjà mort ? Pencil doodle on A6 Sketchbook – The adventures of a…