Tag: face

  • A new face Here’s a new face, brother. A new identity. Be proud. Wear it. Soon you’ll have more.Use it wherever you want but here. For we are the Faceless, and we don’t care for trinkets. /* Pencil doodle on A5 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A5 *//* Ma nouvelle face sur Mastodon : mastodon.social/@astanael…

  • Forgotten guardian I am the last quardian, I’m proptecting this shoreFrom the… from the what?I don’t remember. I’m bored. *** Je suis le dernier des gardiensJe protège ces rivages de…De quoi déjà ? j’ n’en sais rien.J’ai oublié. le ciel est si bleu. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine sur carnet A6

  • Meet the Staff – Mr Rorrim Hard to know what Mr Rorrim is really thinking about his position as middle management. He constantly throws back right at you what you might bring. What he tell you do not depends on what you tell him, but how you tell him.   *** Difficile de savoir ce…

  • Poker Face – So, ho’s the new player?– Nice! it’s a jolly good fellow. I like him. but….– But what?– Very hard to deal with. I can’t read his face! *** – Alors ? T’en penses quoi du nouveau ?– Sympa ! J’l’aime bien ce bougre. Mais…– Mais quoi ?– J’arrive à jouer contre lui,…

  • Happy face We’re told that appearances are deceiving.We think our decisions are based on reasonSo why do we put our fake smiley face oninstead showing our true dark feelings ? Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook.

  • Melted Oh my! I’m glad you came by. You know, I have the strangest and weirdest issue right now: My furnitures are melting! Strange, isn’t it? Look at my drawers ! I cannot open them anymore… I really hope the silvery is not affected. Oh what a drag! What ? is there something on my…