Tag: GreatOldOnes

  • Ponape Scriptures “Most called them ‘sea devils’ but one tribe chose to treat with them, and worship them. It was from the sea devils the tribe learned of the god Dagon, and during the abhorrent rites to this god, the tribe would couple with the sea devils.” – Capt. Abner Ezekiel Hoag, 1734. *** “La…

  • The King in rags and tatters “Songs that the Hyades shall sing,Where flap the tatters of the King,Must die unheard in Dim Carcosa.” – “Cassilda’s Song” from the King in Yellow, Act 1, Scene 2 Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook from my Great Old Ones & Their Kin series for an upcoming Elder Gods Tarot…