Tag: lie

  • Happy birthday – Happy birthday to youuu…– It’s not my birthday.– Happy birthday to youuu…– I won’t eat that.It glows.– Happy birthday to you, dear Eatthisnow…– I think i can see a ghastly figure into the candle’s smoke.– Happy birthday to youuu, dear Eatthisorwealldie– Ooh so this is the demon sealing ritual!?. I… uh… ok…

  • Adventure – Then I will follow you! – “No gold?”– “Not a coin”– “You haven’t any coin left on you? That’s…”– “Well you see…”– “That’s sad! So sad!” Are they.. crying? – “It’s…”– “Don’t fret !”– “What?”– “Notagnome will help you and tag along until good fortune stumble upon you! Then you can repay me.”–…

  • Adventure – Unhappy Notagnome You ran for quite a while through the woods, following Notagnome the goblin. It seems you’ve dropped the magical instrument somewhere on the way. You ran until reaching another part of the forest, less dense, more ferned. And now, as you’re still catching your breath, you have to listen to a…