Tag: spaceship

  • Inktober 30 – Slither All’s done.Pressure ok.Oxy-tank full.Warp engine stable.Antimatter fuel tank full.Van Halen deflectors operational.Navcomputer online and calibrated. Horacio slithers into the cockpit and took a brief look outside: Ever growing crystals. Raven. Doc. The crew, or whatever they have become.Her hands reach for the com. She tries to say something but can’t. What’s…

  • Inktober 29 – Patch The good thing about focusing on a task, is that you can ignore your environment.You can ignore the crystals that kept on growing and set up a life support module with Doc’s help.You can ignore the faint presence at the back of your skull and gather the tools to set up…

  • Inktober 25 – Spark Captain’s log, supplemental. I… I don’t think I’m talking. I don’t know where I am. I can’t feel a thing. Everything’s dark. Pitch black. No… incorrect. I can’t see, can’t hear, can’t feel a thing. There’s no darkness if I can’t see. Seeing nothing isn’t not seeing. What am I thinking? Am…

  • Inktober 22 – Open – Come on, doc… just a bit more… Yes! The hatch is open, we’re out!– Nice! Let’s…Hey? Why do you stop?– …– What’s the matter?– You gotta see this for yourself, doc. /* Krita + Yiynova */ [STORY START] – Allez doc… encore un coup… Oui ! Le sas est ouvert…

  • Inktober 21 – Fuzzy – So tell me Doc, what happened?– I… can’t. My memories are fuzzy. Still are.– What do you remember?– After you left for the bridge, I went on to check on Raven’s uniform.– Why?– A hunch, I wanted to search for organic compounds that may explain Raven’s state. I took some…

  • Inktober 20 – Sprout Ok, almost there doc, hang on. It’s just around the… crystal?What the…I swear it was not there before. It…glows and it’s hot?Arrh, no time! Don’t touch! O2 almost gone, must reach my place.I’ll check that later. /* Krita + Yiynova */ [STORY START] OK. On y est presque, Doc. C’est juste…

  • Inktober 19 – Loop – Captain’s log –I found a survivor, Doc’s alive! He’s unconscious but breathing. Thanks the suit. Oupf… you’re heavy doc… Say, where are the others? I would love to drag them on a loop like you. Tell me, where’s my crew? Their bodies should pile everywhere, There’s too much stuff here,…

  • Inktober 18 – Moon Debris scattered everywhere. Motors cooling down. Buried under the landscape of a unknown planet’s moon, there’s a spaceship that, somehow, survived a terrible crash.Despite the evident damage, the hull’s structural integrity is intact. Some flickering light of a distress beacon light up. Miraculously, somebody survived.Somebody, or something… /* Krita + Yiynova…

  • Inktober 17 – Collide What are the odds for crashing on a rocky ground, after randomly warping into the entire universe?What are the chances?Infinitesimal.Astronomical.Unlikely.This was on purpose. /* Krita + Yiynova */ [STORY START] Quelle sont les chances de s’écraser sur un sol rocheux, après s’être téléporté au hasard dans l’univers ?Quelle sont les probabilités?Infinitésimales.Astronomiques.Suspectes.C’était…

  • Inktober 16 – Compass Guess what happen when you start an hyperdrive engine with an amok compass?Random teleportation.That’s what happen. /* Krita + Yiynova */ [STORY START] Qu’arrive-t-il lorsqu’on active un moteur de distorsion hyper-spatial quand son compas fait le yo-yo ?Téléportation aléatoire.Voilà ce qu’il se passe.