Tag: volcanic

  • Smoktober 18 “Here we are, this is her lair.” sait Elijah“That’s a lot of smoke, replied Sarah.I’m noticing now, but yours smells… different.”“From what?” “From before. it’s more… pugnent?” *** “Nous voici arrivés. Voici son repaire.”“Tant de fumée… Dis, J’le remarque maintenantmais la tienne ne sent plus comme avant”“Ca s’aggrave peut-être. Elle nous aidera, j’espère.…

  • Smoktober 17 It was a long walk to the top. And not an easy road.“See my dear? Theses are the chimney I told you about”“Strange how the soot only sticks to rocks… How far to him?”“To her. This seller’s a she. We’re getting closer, my dear.” *** C’est un long chemin ardu et pentu jusqu’au…