Author: Asta

  • Inktober 20 – Sprout Ok, almost there doc, hang on. It’s just around the… crystal?What the…I swear it was not there before. It…glows and it’s hot?Arrh, no time! Don’t touch! O2 almost gone, must reach my place.I’ll check that later. /* Krita + Yiynova */ [STORY START] OK. On y est presque, Doc. C’est juste…

  • Inktober 19 – Loop – Captain’s log –I found a survivor, Doc’s alive! He’s unconscious but breathing. Thanks the suit. Oupf… you’re heavy doc… Say, where are the others? I would love to drag them on a loop like you. Tell me, where’s my crew? Their bodies should pile everywhere, There’s too much stuff here,…

  • Inktober 18 – Moon Debris scattered everywhere. Motors cooling down. Buried under the landscape of a unknown planet’s moon, there’s a spaceship that, somehow, survived a terrible crash.Despite the evident damage, the hull’s structural integrity is intact. Some flickering light of a distress beacon light up. Miraculously, somebody survived.Somebody, or something… /* Krita + Yiynova…

  • Inktober 17 – Collide What are the odds for crashing on a rocky ground, after randomly warping into the entire universe?What are the chances?Infinitesimal.Astronomical.Unlikely.This was on purpose. /* Krita + Yiynova */ [STORY START] Quelle sont les chances de s’écraser sur un sol rocheux, après s’être téléporté au hasard dans l’univers ?Quelle sont les probabilités?Infinitésimales.Astronomiques.Suspectes.C’était…

  • Inktober 16 – Compass Guess what happen when you start an hyperdrive engine with an amok compass?Random teleportation.That’s what happen. /* Krita + Yiynova */ [STORY START] Qu’arrive-t-il lorsqu’on active un moteur de distorsion hyper-spatial quand son compas fait le yo-yo ?Téléportation aléatoire.Voilà ce qu’il se passe.    

  • Inktober 15 – Helmet Captain’s log supplemental.There’s a helmet missiiing. Raaaven’s helmet. Yay! Good for me.It’s good because there’s some tacky-tracky device in thooose. Now I just need to return to the auxiliary console and… wait.That sound.It’s the warp engine ohnonono! /* Krita + Yiynova */ [STORY START] Journal de bord du Capitaine – Supplément.Il…

  • Inktober 14 – Tick – “Captain’s log. Direct entry with immediate broadcast on all channel.First, the alerts. Then the consoles not responding. Then my own crew’s not responding anymore. I can’t find anyone. No radio.…Seriously?…It’s gonna be like this? Searching through the lower deck with a movement detector in my hand and a hand crafted…

  • Inktober 13 – Roof – OK… I knew it would go over the roof sooner or later… but I would rather had later than sooner. /* Krita + Yiynova */ [STORY START] – OK… je savait que ca creverait le plafond tôt ou tard… Mais j’aurai préféré plus tard.

  • Inktober 12 – Stuck – What the .. oh shitshitshit– Stuck.– …comon dam’n door! open up!– Thanks– oh shitohshitohshit…– Thanks. This metallic protrusion. Needed. To fuse. to join. Antenna. Aetheric Medium– dafuckitstalkingabout? COME ON, OPEN UP!– Moving, now. Act, at last.– wha… Raven, is that you?– No– oh shiiiiit /* Krita + Yiynova */ [STORY…

  • Inktober 11 – Sour It gonna test sour in my mouth, you know.but yer see… I lost my cousin Bert to some shitty ETI like you. I won’t… I can’t……Sorry,…Now die, Raven! /* Krita + Yiynova */ [STORY START] Ca m’laissera un gout amer dans la bouche, tu sais.Mais tu vois… j’ai perdu mon cousin…