Author: Asta

  • Doing my part Really busy lately, and yet I’m lucky enough to be able to do so, so I’m getting vaccinated.It’s a small deal for me, and a big deal for you. I’m doing my part, I hope you too.Vaccines works. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Très occupé…

  • Lost place It’s a overlooked place, not so far in the northern woods. You wouldn’t notice. It’s quiet, silent, peaceful. Dark carved rocks emerges from the ground. There may have been some kind of structure here, who knows?Who cares.Nobody cares about the little places.They lives, without a care in the world.Forgotten. And that’s fine. /*…

  • Under your feet There’s life right under our feetDid you ever care about it?You better take a good lookOr it will care about you. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Ca grouille de vie sous nos piedsVous n’en avez sur’ment cureVous devriez, car pour sûrCette vie saura vous trouver      

  • No way out When you’re lost in repetitionNumbing your thoughts, numbing your mindKeep your thoughts funny and walk onOr your insides will look like outside. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Quand tout parait se répéter à l’infiniLes même pensées qui tournent et tournent à la folieAlors il faut…

  • Tartine I read somewhere that beer predate bread. My first brew sure smells like it, but, whatever. Tastes good so I don’t mind. In fact, I’m proud.Here is Tartine : a pale ale finely crafted by yours truely. ***J’ai lu quelque part que l’invention de la bière précède celle du pain. En tout cas mon…

  • Le garcon qui criait Cthulhu Gary’s a hardcore fan of Lovecraft’s work. He have it all: books, pen-works, fanfics, posters, games, paintings, figurines, jewels, originals issues of weird tales, fac-simile of 1920’s paperwork… everything. It all started with a Stephen King reference to the Great Old Ones. Intrigued, he went to dig further and became…

  • Flower lady Today I saw a lady in my garden. I think I’m in love with this nice maidenMaybe she’ll listen to my pleaBut I think she’s too pretty for meAt least I got flowers for companyFor my garden that was bare is now fleuri /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet…

  • Coastal Fortress Listen, son. Some say that our castle of Gillümore was built with magic. With dark, forbidden sorcellery. Don’t listen to them, they’re just jealous. Nothing here but strong will and flawless dedication. Look at these walls, sturdy and carved directly from the cliff’s granite. Nothing’s stronger than granite. It can and has withstand…

  • Space Peanut reentry Wouldn’t be the strangest thing of these last years… *** Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook ****** Porte-mine sur carnet A6 *** Ce serait pas le truc le plus étrange qui nous soit tombé dessus ces dernières années…

  • Pending analysis Research Log 1986-05-065The sample seems to stay stable this time. Let’s see…Viscosity…ok. Temperature… consistent. Gamma radiation level… … That’s can’t be good. *** Krita + Yiynova *** Entrée de journal 1986-05-065. L’échantillon semble stable cette fois. Voyons voir…Viscosité…ok. Température… normale. Radiation gamma…. … C’est pas bon ça.