Author: Asta

  • Mona Lisa Fixed  There! Much better. /* Krita + Yiynova + Alcohol */ Et voila ! Parrrfait !

  • Mona Lisa Boooooring…Let’s fix it ! /* Krita + Yiynova */ Allez, je suis sur que je peux faire mieux que le maitre. Y’a plus qu’à ajouter de la couleur

  • Crown of victory Oh to be crowned by sweet victoryOh to win, against all odds, in excessFar above the others, is it glory?That is not the same, as success /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 *//* This is a commission suggested by all my subscribers, Please enjoy! */ Ah quelle…

  • Caveman Commission 2 There’s much sophistication in the paleo-ways, much more than the average joe knows about. Subtle social codes, untold rules, secret ways of crafting. You survive in the (very) old times not because you’re strong, but because you know. /* Pencil doodle on A5 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A5 */ Les temps…

  • Caveman Commission After consuming the blood of a fallen mammoth god to survive a savage fate, this once normal human has become something more. More good or more worse? I suppose we’ll find out. /* Pencil doodle on A6 skertchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Il a bu le sang du Dieu Mammouth Déchu.…

  • Homonculus A bit of flesh, a bit of bones,I’ll create an homonculusA creature that’s me and usSo now we won’t be alone /* Krita + Yiynova */ Un peu de chair, un peu de sangJe crée un homonculus dedansUne créature comme toi et moiPour ne plus être seule sous ce toit    

  • The Conclave – Finally! I thought it would never end.– Oh it’s far from over. Now we need to go through the addendums, then the annexes…– Seriously? How long will it…– …then once the committee has deliberated on the validation status, then we can make a proposal for rectifications…– and then it’s over?– …and then…

  • The Fultist’s playing The shapeless horde were dancing,to the sound of their own cacophonyMorphing, switching as they goWithout any rhyme or tempoThen one day, one of them stood putStops changing, just playing his fluteNow the horde act as one and movesTo the melody of the flutist above /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine…

  • Memento Mori Here’s the threads of the lives to be,Thin, rough, fragile and yet sturdyHere’s the threads of the lives that areStronger, thicker, different and yet similarHere’s the threads of the lives that wereBroken, long, brittle and yet together So many cut threads, interwovenMakes the tapestry of our storyWill you be a strong seam holding…

  • Epic Snail Battle On the third of may 1358, Sir Galond the braveDefended our land by jousting a foul beast with no legsValiant he was, but his foe, two more hemp did haveAnd sadly so, Sir Galond slimed to death was. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Les premiers…