Tag: Apocalypse

  • Everything’s fine I repeat: everything’s fine and under control.This morning unprecedented solar eclipse is no cause for alarm.Theses… totally natural meteorological pertubations were expected.As long as you follows our security guidance you’ll be fine and safe.Remember, voting for me is voting for the future of your dreams! *** Je répète : Tout va bien, tout…

  • War Here childrens, have some wonderful toys, killing each other brings such new joysPeace is overated, now it’s bannedCome danse with blades, explosions and guns *** Allez les enfants, prenez vos jouetsC’est l’heure de gaiement s’entretuerLa paix n’est plus qu’un vieux truc banniDansent les morts, la vie n’est que conflits Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook…

  • Coronavirus Hello there, I’m conquering again. *chuckling*Kidding, I never really left. Merely reshaping myself.Do you like my new crown? Do you like my new names?I may have lost my white horse, but I’m still riding. *** Salut la compagnie ! Je suis de retour pour vaincre. *ricane*Je plaisante, j’étais pas vraiment parti, juste transformé, caché.Vous…