Tag: blade

  • War Here childrens, have some wonderful toys, killing each other brings such new joysPeace is overated, now it’s bannedCome danse with blades, explosions and guns *** Allez les enfants, prenez vos jouetsC’est l’heure de gaiement s’entretuerLa paix n’est plus qu’un vieux truc banniDansent les morts, la vie n’est que conflits Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook…

  • Rosicrucian Rapier For what we do presage is not in grosse,For we are brethren of the Rosie Crosse;We have the Mason Word and second sight,Things for to come we can foretell aright.— Henry Adamson, The Muses’ Threnodie (Perth, 1638). “Nous Députés du Collège principal des Frères de la Rose-Croix, faisons séjour visible et invisible en cette…

  • Epic Tatoo 4 – Bushi Feel my wrath my father, the old must go away!Hear my words my dear son. I cannot change my ways.Then you’ll die! We arrive! A new world is coming!Then I’ll fight. Then I’ll die. There’s no place for old things. *** Sens ma peine, mon vieux père, L’ancien monde est…

  • Inktober 2019 – 07 – Enchanted – I see you’re still using the 5th lunar version of the rite.– Well duh! how I am suppose to get retrocycle on the sephiroth scaling?– The 6th rite does support it, you just have to adjust manualy the stone circle by shifting the polar tide to Fomalhaut index.–…

  • Inktober 2019 – 07 – Enchanted – I see you’re still using the 5th lunar version of the rite.– Well duh! how I am suppose to get retrocycle on the sephiroth scaling?– The 6th rite does support it, you just have to adjust manualy the stone circle by shifting the polar tide to Fomalhaut index.–…