Tag: blue
Tutorial result – dragon And why not? I need warmup to get back to digital. /* Krita + Yiynova */ Et pourquoi pas ? j’ai besoin d’un échauffement avant de reprendre le dessin sur tablette. https://www.deviantart.com/team/journal/Tutorial-Draw-a-Dragon-with-ryky-887583298
Corrected Magic Circle Erdunex is a mighty psychic, who can activate any magic circle with a single touch, Even those old scrolls from the forbidden library. He’s also a clever scholar. So clever in fact that, that there isn’t a single circle he did not correct before activating. Too bad he’s never faced a real…
Mischieving Dragon at Noel’s Another advent calendar commission for very dear azurean friend.How can you see something so pretty as Christmas decorations and not gnaw at it? Want me to draw something for your holidays? Support me on ko-fi.com/Astanael *** Krita + Yiynova *** Une autre commission de calendrier de l’avent pour une amie azure…
A Dragon on Christmas’s doorstep Advent calendar commission for very dear azurean friend.A baby dragon for the Christmas’s family… what a strange turn of events! Want me to draw something for your holidays? Support me on https://ko-fi.com/Astanael *** Krita + Yiynova *** Commission de calendrier de l’avent pour une amie azure très chèreUn bébé dragon…