Tag: book

  • First Blood: Krontukald-Kazakongzan – Book Cover Durant le premier âge, les nains – le peuple de Duka – fondèrent la plus grande et la plus prospère cité du monde émergé. Dans les profondeurs de la plus haute montagne du Monde, la première Reine : Volgit, fit creuser Dol Rual. Mais voici que commence le second…

  • Keep reading weird things Keep reading weird things.Things you don’t understand yet,Non-obvious things,Uncomfortable things,Unconventional things,Things that baffles you,Things you hate and love at the same time. Staying in the already known is stalling. Discovering requires trying. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mines sur carnet A6 */ Continuez de lire des trucs étranges.Des trucs…

  • Bad Reading – So brother, how’s the study’s going?– Askfgl…– Hum, this god’s quite the obscure one.– Yooorglbl…– This one too? Oh my! You found quite the rare tome, my brother!– Erkblaarg…– Now you’re talking nonsense. No way this one is associated with the others. *** – Alors mon frère, ça avance cette étude ?–…

  • Inktober 2019 – 08 – Frail Sanity is such a frail thing. Read some book and your already unstable mind falls in the absymal chasm of forbidden knowledge, forever broken by the sheer immensity of an absurd and incomprehensible cosmos. *** Notre esprit est une chose bien fragile… Quelques mauvaises lecture et nous voici précipité…

  • Tanks! One of my all times favorite scene from tv series is from Black Books, where Manny comes in this shady and dusty library searching for “The Little Book of Calm” and Bernand only propose him titles like “TANKS!” or “The history of screaming”. *** Une de mes scènes favorites de série télé est tirée…