Tag: Ceremony

  • Happy birthday – Happy birthday to youuu…– It’s not my birthday.– Happy birthday to youuu…– I won’t eat that.It glows.– Happy birthday to you, dear Eatthisnow…– I think i can see a ghastly figure into the candle’s smoke.– Happy birthday to youuu, dear Eatthisorwealldie– Ooh so this is the demon sealing ritual!?. I… uh… ok…

  • Getting ready for the ceremony The fumes makes my head dizzyMaybe I am not that ready?Im ust attend the cere’onyWut? I… flubblu.. glap. I’m sorry. *** L’encens me fait tourner la têtePeut-être ne suis-je pas prête ?J’dois ‘ssister à l’c’rémonie p’tèteQwa ? Shaiplu..blublu . Glap. J’suis bête. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine sur…