Tag: chooseyourownadventure

  • Adventure – Notagnome lead the way Even the animals of the forest are terrified of the “music” played by Notagnome the gobelin. You even see a bird falls from the tree’s branches. How can a simple thing make such a disturbing sound? It’s a mystery. Maybe the instrument is really magical, somewhat sentient and loudly…

  • Adventure – Killing the Goblin So you’ve done it. It was easy, to slay the goblin. After all, they were harmless. Not even thinking for an instant that you would slice your blades upon his back.They were more surprised than anything. They fell on the ground with a faint “Why?” and it was over. As…

  • Adventure – Notagnome plays the Fulute Notagnome the goblin grabs the Fulute from the sprout. “Just in time!” they said with a gesture towards the trees around you. Intrigued, you look where they pointed and notice humanoids shapes extracting themselves from the bark, slowly converging towards you. “Don’t be a Fred! I know how to…

  • Adventure – ‘Into’ the wood You had to do it, hey?You had to let the strange creatures from the forest reach you. Touch you. Grab you.Well done lad.Guess you’re into the wood for a long time.The end Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Try again? : Choose your own adventure *** Fallait que vous le…

  • Adventure – Unhappy Notagnome You ran for quite a while through the woods, following Notagnome the goblin. It seems you’ve dropped the magical instrument somewhere on the way. You ran until reaching another part of the forest, less dense, more ferned. And now, as you’re still catching your breath, you have to listen to a…

  • Adventure – Retrieve the Magicalu Fulute There’s many secrets in the world. Secret places, secret peoples, secret names. There’s secret ways to move silently. Secret words to ease the pain. And secret ways to produce water on the road.After polity asking Notagnome to look elsewhere, you managed to produce enough water to soften the roots…

  • Adventure – Magicalu Fulute It turns out the goblin is quite friendly and no one came attacking from the bushes.His name is Notagnome and, to his own words, he’s in “quite a peeble”. Did he means troubles?He explains to you he dropped his “Magicalu Fulute” between the roots, and the tree “won’t let retrieve it”.He…

  • Adventure – Forest You reach down the valley and enter a dense forest. Rays of sunshine pierce the canopy as you progress the only path that seems to go through.From time to time, you hear laughs coming from your right, deeper into the bushes. The path become harder to follow, covered with twisted roots that…

  • Adventure – All is forgiven So many events happened after the Festival of Attribution. A lifetime of events !When you figured out your new body. When you finally mastered the forked tong. When you join the Purple Guards to defend the Kingdom against the dreaded Harpy-rats.When you fall in love.When you had your firstborn. Then…

  • Adventure – Change of view Life’s different when you’re only five inches high. New point of view, new obstacles… New monsters.But in the end, the world’s still larger than you can concieve. The sky’s the same. Will you ever manage to catch your own body? That’s for another story. *** La vie est bien différente…