Tag: Color
Null Pull It looks like those pillars are defying gravity. But here at the Thaumic Core, there’s no gravity to defy. It’s true, gravitosnakes can reshape physics to their will. That’s why we harvest them. But their wills are only chaotic impulses. And as the result of blending all the colors is an unsaturated brownish…
Leaving colors I will leave it here, a slight touch of colorI have no use of it, I’ve made some moreIt is time for me to move, to walk awayI must find a new canvas to paint /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Je laisse mes couleurs ici, c’est…
Old Sailor Elijah I very liked this character. Even if I can’t manage to draw it the same twice.Here’s Elijah again, an old sailor that started to smoke too much *** J’ai beaucoup aimé ce personnage. Même si je ne parviens pas à dessiner deux fois à l’identique…Revoici donc Elijah, un vieux marin qui ne…
In the eye Shamelessly plagiarizing M.C.Escher, with less talent much more colors. *** Honteux plagiat de M.C.Escher, avec moins de talent mais plus de couleurs. Watercolor pencils on A5 sketechbook / Crayons aquarelle sur carnet A5
St Junius Abbey of Nouaille-Maupertuis Welcome to the fabled countryside, peaceful, and quiet.Behold a Jewel of the Art Roman: the St Junius AbbeyOn top of Nouaille’s hills, surrounded by oaks and river,Not far from the Cave of the Wolf, hidden in the forest *** Bienvenue dans l’arrière-pays de Nouaillé-Maupertuis,Joyau de l’art Roman, l’abbaye de St…
Keep talking, silver tongue Keep talking, silver tong, I’m enjoying your flattering babble.I am old and wary of the same old tricks, so be creativeKeep talking, silver tong, and you may live some more.I am old and rich, be refreshing and I’ll reward you with some baubbles *** Continue de parler, vil flatteur, j’apprécie tes…
Passiflora I don’t care what others projected onto youI don’t care about the signs they forced on you I’m just glad I can look at you for ever more.A beautiful flower you are, dear passiflore *** Je me fiche bien de ce que les jésuites en disentJe me fiche bien des stigmates et des symboles…
Tree of color Still traveling, still wandering, still doodling. *** Toujours sur la route, carnet en main, crayons jouants. Watercolor pencils on A5 sketchbook / Crayons aquarelle sur carnet A5
Blossoming As i travel through land and memories,Visiting old friends and new friends,I have with me my pencils to keep tryingTo draw and color my dreams on paper. *** Voyageant par monts et par vauxPour visiter les amis d’hier et de demainJ’emporte mes crayons les plus beauxPour peindre mes reves en chemin. Watercolor pencil and…