Tag: coronavirus

  • Two years It took two years, but it finally got me,Even with the vaccine, it’s tough.No more breath, no more strength, no more thoughts…It still hurts.And yet, I feel lucky.Lucky to have a home, food and healing.Lucky to not having to shelter myself from bombs.Lucky to be free to complain about it.To those who can’t.…

  • Alternative treatments Are you for real? You’re starting to know what I’m made of and yet you keep fighting me with… random flowers and crystals? And you, are you just trying to shift the blame by pointing the finger?And you… Oh please, do keep spaying me with droplets of holy water, that’ll do nicely.What now?…

  • We’ve made it Our move was supposed to be a bliss. We planned everything, had friends to help, made boxes, took care of electricity, internet, water… We had scheduled every step, notified all the administrations. We had a centralized online hub with contact info, check-lists, alternates plan B, etc.  It was supposed to be the…

  • Hurry up Hehehe… You’re running out of timeBut me, I’ve got all the time I needHurry up or you’ll miss the deadlineYou do not want me to take the lead *** Hehehe… le temps vient à manquer…Pour toi ! Car moi je suis pas presséDépêche toi ou c’est moi qui t’attrapeOu le contraire, c’est toi…

  • Coronavirus Hello there, I’m conquering again. *chuckling*Kidding, I never really left. Merely reshaping myself.Do you like my new crown? Do you like my new names?I may have lost my white horse, but I’m still riding. *** Salut la compagnie ! Je suis de retour pour vaincre. *ricane*Je plaisante, j’étais pas vraiment parti, juste transformé, caché.Vous…