Tag: creepy

  • Morning Ghosts Each time Gentile’s Cafe welcomes a new hire, there’s a moment when they must learn about Mr Flugel. This gentleman comes every morning at sunrise, asks for a single cup of black coffee, sits at the same reserved table by the windows then for the next hour looks through the glass, muttering to…

  • Adventure – Not Alone

    Well, you’re lost.This forest is confusing, paths begins and ends without rhyme orreason. Fortunately, there’s no more laughs and voices. It’s stillcreepy, ‘though. You can’t shake this feeling that something is stillwatching you. Wait… have you been there already? What will you do?- Stay where you are, and wait.- Keep walking,– No wait, this way…

  • Lightbringer It is unwise to stroll theses corridors by night. Alone. You could make some rather… unpleasant encounters in the dark. Allow me to escort you and bring you some… light. I insist. *** Krita on Yiynova *** Ce n’est pas très prudent de parcourir ces corridors la nuit. Seul. Vous pourriez faire des rencontres…

  • Adventure – ‘Into’ the wood You had to do it, hey?You had to let the strange creatures from the forest reach you. Touch you. Grab you.Well done lad.Guess you’re into the wood for a long time.The end Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Try again? : Choose your own adventure *** Fallait que vous le…

  • Adventure – Playing the Fulute You couldn’t resist the urge. You grab the golden Magicalu Fulute and blow.Your fingers moves by themselves, playing a melody you never heard of, yet strangely familiar.From the corner or your eyes, you see Notagnome running away, barely taking the time to send you a mixed look of betrayal and…

  • Backyard problem – Honey, why you didn’t cut the elm in the backyard?– I did! Several times, now. – That’s impossible.– I swear, I cut it nice and clean and the next morning it is all grown again! Even the wood I cut’s gone. Somethings happens during the night.– Then get your arse out there…

  • Weeping god – Oh whoao! This one’s huge!– Wait ‘til you see underwater how more of it they are.– Is it.. crying?– All the time. – I think i hear it weeping…– So soon? Time to go then. Now. *** – Oh whoa ! Il est énorme celui-là !– Et encore, t’a pas vu sous…

  • Rainbow house Come on and play, in the colorful houseCome on and weep in the saturated houseThere’s many colors, enough for all of usThere’s many horrors, enough for one of us *** Dans la maison colorée, on joueDans la maison colorée, on geintIl y a assez de couleur pour tousMais assez d’horreur pour un. Wacom…

  • Studying the thing – It was found by the coal company over a century ago. Pursuing a seam that seemed to go on for ever, the miners stumbled upon this large cavity. Not much is know of why they stopped the exploitation there and why they condemned the whole section. Many peoples from this time…

  • Inktober 2019 – 14 – Overgrown Hi ! me name is Clyde and I am 9 and a half  and this is me school project: How to grow a Dark Young at home.Darky helped me and gave me a Black Seed. I planted it and watered it with blood and daddy helped me by chanting…