Tag: crowd

  • Behold, Cat The Wise Archbishop of the Tetraverse don’t know what to do. Nor does the Subvizir of the Opalescent Aerial Palace.The crow’s whispering. William (the Megachancelor of the Iridescent Nirvana of the Universal Salvation) must do something, and quick… but what? There’s simply no precedent in the protocol.The intruder, a short-head female cat named…

  • Down below the crowd Down below the crowd I keep drawingNot because I’ll be famous, rich or respectedDoesn’t matter to where I’m progressingAs long as kept on scribbling my dreams /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Accroupi sous la foule, tapis, je dessinneC’est pas pour être connu, riche ou…

  • The Chosen One – Hey guys! We made a sale!– Nice. I’ll go fetch the transfer contract for this kingdom’s property.– Okay, I’ll put a new sword in once the crowd is gone. *** – Hé les gars ! J’crois qu’on a fait une vente !– Cool, je vais chercher le contrat de transfert de…

  • Parliament of Crows He croaks and he caws and he awks.Above the crowd he’s now the clerk  His performance better be good,To sway the parliament’s mood *** Croasse, cacasse, craque et jacasse,Ce herault jamais ne se lasseCar si parlement ne délasseCorbeau finira à la casse. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / criterium sur carnet A6

  • Adoration of the Crypt God You wouldn’t understand until you place your hand on its grotesque head. Touching the God of the Crypt brings a blissful sensation that makes you longing for more. It makes you peaceful, happy. An eternal bliss. Anxiety, stress, guilt, fear, all gone after the touch. Come join us! *** Vous…