Tag: crying

  • Crying Mountains Beyond Mnar’s hills, there’s a valley,Filled with mounts shaped like giant headsFrom their open mouths, from their caved eyes,Crying rivers of fog, rivers of tears, For why? For who? Gods knows. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Au delà des collines Mnar, il est une valléeParsemée de…

  • Weeping god – Oh whoao! This one’s huge!– Wait ‘til you see underwater how more of it they are.– Is it.. crying?– All the time. – I think i hear it weeping…– So soon? Time to go then. Now. *** – Oh whoa ! Il est énorme celui-là !– Et encore, t’a pas vu sous…