Tag: cultist

  • The Dee sanction ¾ – A Cultist

    The Dee sanction ¾ – A Cultist A half-naked madman, dancing before a desecrated altar covered with obscene sigils written in blood and feces. There’s no moon tonight, only the dim light of some candles. And yet… we can see everything. What’s wrong with our eyes? /* Third of a 4 part commission illustrating a…

  • Now what? – We made it!– ‘tis was not easy… I nearly lost my way into the Mansus, and the tricuspid gate… what a pain!– But look! We’re now at the court of Azazoth!– I don’t have eyes anymore since the transcendence… Oh my! All theses sacrifices…– All hail the Sultan of Demons! Iä Azazoth!–…

  • Secret Master of the Beach Hear me: The Great Cthulhu sleeps under the ocean. Why should we bother chanting and sacrifying and praying for Him from deep in the land, far away from His medium? Makes more sense to embrace the sea and its accomodations. Believe me, i’ve recruted far more adepts here as a…

  • Rise! By the power of Hlaf invested in my handsSalt and flour, blended together, the ingredientsBy the power of alchemia, I grant you lifeI conjure yeast to activate and rise! Rise! RISE! *** Par le savoir de Hlaf transmis jusqu’à moiVous, Sel, Eau et Farine, mélangés de mes doigts Soyez maintenant un auquel je donne…

  • Inktober 2019 – 29 – Injured Brother Patrick argued that a shotgun won’t be of any use against the Shoggoth, terrible monstrosities of the Abysses.Brother Angus proved him otherwise, blew his kneecaps and thus easily outran him. *** Frère Patrick insistait qu’un fusil à pompe ne serait d’aucune utilité face à un Shoggoth, terrible monstruosité…

  • Inktober 2019 – 24 – Dizzy Brother Andre wanted to prepare some elixir of second sight to help foresight the coming of the Great Old Ones. He found a recipe in some old books of the cult’s library, then started mixing stuff and boiling things. Needless to say, Brother Andre is not proficient in basic…

  • Inktober 2019 – 24 – Dizzy Brother Andre wanted to prepare some elixir of second sight to help foresight the coming of the Great Old Ones. He found a recipe in some old books of the cult’s library, then started mixing stuff and boiling things. Needless to say, Brother Andre is not proficient in basic…

  • Inktober 2019 – 22 – Ghost Some Gods from the Court of AzathothRequire offerings of flesh and bloodSome Gods from the Demon’s HallRequire sacrifices of mind and soul *** Certains Dieux de la Cour d’Azathoth, sans rangs,Veulent des offrandes de chair et de sang,Certains dieux de la Cour d’Azathoth, innommés, Requièrent des sacrifices d’âmes et de…

  • Inktober 2019 – 22 – Ghost Some Gods from the Court of AzathothRequire offerings of flesh and bloodSome Gods from the Demon’s HallRequire sacrifices of mind and soul *** Certains Dieux de la Cour d’Azathoth, sans rangs,Veulent des offrandes de chair et de sang,Certains dieux de la Cour d’Azathoth, innommés, Requièrent des sacrifices d’âmes et de…

  • Inktober 2019 – 20 – Tread Few are able to tread on the path of Shub-Niggurath, the Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young. That is, Few can follow the path without being tread upon.   *** Rare sont les élus qui peuvent marcher sur le chemin de Shub-Niggurath, La Chèvre Noire aux…