Tag: desert

  • Desert Ride 2 A spark, one shotBad luck, you’ve gotSo long brotherSee you elsewhere. Let’s see what fortune we’ve got with this one. *** Krita on Yiynova *** Un coup, il tombePas d’chance, frerotPour toi, la tombePour moi, bientot. Voyons ce que la fortune nous apporte.

  • Desert Ride Tally Ho! ‘tis a long ride to the waterStay up right and straight brotherTally Ho! ’tis a long ride through the desertKeep yer chin high brother and stay alert. *** Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook *** Hue Dia ! La route est longue jusqu’à l’eauReste bien droit sur ta selle mon frérotHue Dia…

  • Time is ticking out

    Time is ticking out Tic, toc, another forest has been cut Tic, toc, one more lie, one more voice is shut Tic, toc, we’re dying, there is no more time Tic, no more toc, we’ll all die in flames. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook *** Tic, toc, une forêt de plus part en fumée Tic,…