Tag: flying

  • Flying in the sun Spreading my wings I soarFlying high in the skyThere’s no ground anymoreThere’s no but, there’s no why *** Le vent sous mes ailes me porte toujours plus hautLibre dans les cieux je quitte la terre, ses soucisAucune chance de finir comme Icare cramoisiMes écailles sont à l’épreuve du feu le plus…

  • Exothermic flying The beautiful blue fire he produce are just a byproduct of his flying power that is an extremely exothermic one.The more he flies, the more he’s consumed by it. Even knowing that, he can’t help it, and he soars the city skies again and again.Some call it the Icarus syndrome, and there is…

  • Crows practice

    Crows practice Just needed a small practice in drawing crows. I like corvidaes a lot. magpies, crows, jays… their smart antics always bring me a smile. “Caw! Caw! Caw!” J’avais juste besoin de m’entrainer à dessinner des corbeaux. J’adore les corvidés. Pies, corbeaux, geais… Leurs astuces et regards malins me font sourir à coup sur.…

  • Flying above the clouds I don’t really like planes. I can’t shake the feeling of impeding doom, mechanical failure or worse. These fears are not based on logic, nor reason, and I do like the magnificent views, the bright sun and the magical feeling of flying.   Apprehension is a stubborn thing. This little voice…

  • Eye-bat Theses horror from Gravity Falls were the stuff of nightmare. I should reuse them in my rpg session. I like the idea of monster with a simple task-list:  – find life, – petrify it, – bring it here.– repeat. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook

  • Dragon pack Flying free,much happy,eating us,as breakfast Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook