Tag: hat

  • Mushroom guy After turning to the right before the chasm and following for a while the tunnel with the greenish moss on it, you enter a cave lighted by luminous fungus growing on the walls. Initially startled by your sudden arrival, a strange looking fellow wearing a hat in the shape of a giant mushroom.…

  • Just a maid, Ep.17 : Madam is coming – Please wait here for a while, Madam will see you soon. Meanwhile would you care for more tea, Mr Poulpe ?– Oh yes, plebleblease. Ylou knowbln, I am febliy excited toble see Madam at lblblast. Tellblbl me, Howbl is she ?– You’ll see for yourself. (with…

  • Nice Hat Currently watching the new Sabrina on Netflix, and I was not prepared for that.I was expecting something sitcomesque and light. I get dark witchcraft, creepy ghosts and giant living baphomet.Nice. Also, nice hat. Great Moebius vibe. Are y’all ready for the solstice ? I’ll post an Old One tomorrow ! Pencil doodle on…