Tag: insane

  • One more scroll One more scroll, it’s fineOne more plug, I won’t mind.There’s so much to seeI fear I’m missing out on it/* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Allez, encore une page de plusAllez, une connectique en susIl y a tellement à voir, à consommerJ’ai si peur de louper,…

  • Spaceship – Orion (takeoff) Another insane spaceship project from the 60s : using nuclear warhead to propel a spaceship (fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet_O…) Most of the design of this spaceship is conceived to dampen the initial shock of the explosion of several (read: Lot of) kiloton nuclear warheads. I don’t joke, this is a feasible project! Well it…

  • Spaceship – Orion Another insane spaceship project from the 60s : using nuclear warhead to propel a spaceship (fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet_O…) Most of the design of this spaceship is conceived to dampen the initial shock of the explosion of several (read: Lot of) kiloton nuclear warheads. I don’t joke, this is a feasible project! Well it would…

  • SLAM – Supersonic Low Altitude Missile Today I feel like starting a small series on missiles and spaceships. SLAM stands for Supersonic Low Altitude Missile. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superson…)It is a deadly concept, feasible and quite simple. When flying at great speeds, turbo-reactors doesn’t need to compress the air intake which is forced through an adjustable nozzle. Also…