Tag: medusa

  • Perseus vs Medusa – Come on, you monster! I don’t fear you! *thumping noise*– Ouch.*tumbling noise*– I know ‘bout your gaze… ’bout your hair…*sound of a vase breaking*– Oh dang it! Where are you?*sploch*– ha-HA! found you! Now gaze upon yourself in my shield’s reflexion!*splish*– Ouch! that’s… itch? *** – Allez, montre-toi Méduse ! Je…

  • Deep diving Deep down below, diving under, Until blue hue become darkerDeep down in the underseasUntil we reach the Abysses *** Plongeons plus loin, sous la surfaceJusqu’à ce que le bleu s’effacePlongeons plus loin, quel délice, Jusqu’à atteindre les Abysses. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Criterium sur carnet A6