Tag: mother

  • A Dragon on Christmas’s doorstep Advent calendar commission for very dear azurean friend.A baby dragon for the Christmas’s family… what a strange turn of events! Want me to draw something for your holidays? Support me on https://ko-fi.com/Astanael *** Krita + Yiynova *** Commission de calendrier de l’avent pour une amie azure très chèreUn bébé dragon…

  • Demonic possession – FEAR ME, MORTAL, FOR I…  – Oh…HAHAHA!  – WHA… WHY DID YOU LAUGH?  – It… It tickles!  – MY… DEMONIC… POSSESSION OF YOUR BODY… TICKLES YOU!?  – HIhihiHIHI Oh yes, it does!  – BUT… AREN’T YOU AFRAID?  – Of whaHAHAHAT? I have 8 childes and I’ve been married three times, dear, I’ve…