Tag: music

  • Adventure – Playing the Fulute You couldn’t resist the urge. You grab the golden Magicalu Fulute and blow.Your fingers moves by themselves, playing a melody you never heard of, yet strangely familiar.From the corner or your eyes, you see Notagnome running away, barely taking the time to send you a mixed look of betrayal and…

  • Directing the music With flicks of a finger, Some feel they can masterThe flow and the rhythm Of any music, hymn,But listening is nothingThe same as directing *** Souvent vous rêviezD’un geste du doigtPouvoir commander Flûtes, cuivres et hautboisMais juste écouterN’est pas diriger. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine sur carnet A6

  • Violin

    Violin Violins can transport you indifferently to heaven or hell. Le son du violon peut vous emporter indifféremment en enfer ou au paradis. Ink brush on A6 sketchbook / Encre et pinceau sur carnet A6

  • Violin Violins can transport you indifferently to heaven or hell. Le son du violon peut vous emporter indifféremment en enfer ou au paradis. Ink brush on A6 sketchbook / Encre et pinceau sur carnet A6

  • Audiotapes Some month ago, we were strolling in the streets and found a big black box stamped BBC. Curious, we took it and opened it at home. Inside we found several hundred audiotape from the 90s. Since then I started to listen one of them each day while commuting, for the only tape player I…

  • Back from Hell Ooooh yeah ! Best edition so far.Daily doodles will now resume mow that I’m back from hell! *** Oooh yeah ! Meilleur fest ever !Les gribouillis peuvent reprendre maintenant que je suis revenu de l’enfer. www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZNeas…Pencil doodle on A6 Hellsketchbook / Criterium sur canret A6 de l’enfer