Tag: new

  • A new face Here’s a new face, brother. A new identity. Be proud. Wear it. Soon you’ll have more.Use it wherever you want but here. For we are the Faceless, and we don’t care for trinkets. /* Pencil doodle on A5 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A5 *//* Ma nouvelle face sur Mastodon : mastodon.social/@astanael…

  • Bubbles Eyed Tea

    Bubbles Eyed Tea And now a word from our sponsor: “ Tired of the same old drinks? Want to try something new and different? Something that will twist your brain upside down? Then you’re in luck! Come and try our brand new Bubbles Eyed Tea! Approved the city council chairman of R’lyeh, the Great Cthulhu…

  • Still growing myself Reading new books, learning new skills,Polishing my mind by testing new thingsOne must not let his spirit witheringand always be climbing the hills. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook

  • Just a maid, ep.11 : The new dress – Do you like the color?– Oooh Martha, this is splendid, I love it !– I’m glad you like it. Would you like the same floral pattern too ?– Yeas please ! Oh it’s been so long since I had a new dress. I’m delighted ! Pencil…

  • Terror on the Orient-ExpressA New player January the 6, 1923, Lausanne.06:45 am. Upon descending the Orient-Express, a cold fog grasped the four friends. pushing them to an open cafe just near the station. The bartender let them stack their heavy pile of luggage in a corner while waiting for the Grand Hotel carrier. They ordered…