Tag: orion

  • Spaceship – Orion (takeoff) Another insane spaceship project from the 60s : using nuclear warhead to propel a spaceship (fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet_O…) Most of the design of this spaceship is conceived to dampen the initial shock of the explosion of several (read: Lot of) kiloton nuclear warheads. I don’t joke, this is a feasible project! Well it…

  • Spaceship – Orion Another insane spaceship project from the 60s : using nuclear warhead to propel a spaceship (fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet_O…) Most of the design of this spaceship is conceived to dampen the initial shock of the explosion of several (read: Lot of) kiloton nuclear warheads. I don’t joke, this is a feasible project! Well it would…