Tag: pun

  • The Agreement The settlers thought that signing the Agreement would put an end to their fears of subjugation from the Elastic Cave-Giants.Turns out that the Squishies, as they call themselves, were more afraid of the settlers and their dreaded “bones”.This explains some parts of the Agreement, such as the “Settlers are hereby forbidden from having…

  • The Conclave – Finally! I thought it would never end.– Oh it’s far from over. Now we need to go through the addendums, then the annexes…– Seriously? How long will it…– …then once the committee has deliberated on the validation status, then we can make a proposal for rectifications…– and then it’s over?– …and then…

  • The Dee sanction 4/4 – A Cook Does this cook taste good?Oh yes, very raw.But it’ll cost you an eye… /* Last of a 4 part commission illustrating a Cthulhu Hack RPG supplement for the Dee Sanction ( https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/allrolledup/the-dee-sanction-adventures/ )( The Dee sanction: http://thedeesanction.com/ */ Est-ce un bon cuisinier ?Oui, quoique très cru.Et il coûte…

  • Beware of Dragons Fair enough… I don’t know what I expected. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Ah bah oui… “Attention aux dragons” qu’il disait le vieux.

  • Taking Control – This is not what I meant by taking control and you know it!– Caw !– Don’t change the subject. *** – C’est pas ce que j’ai voulu dire par “Prendre le contrôle” et tu le sais.– Caw !– Change pas de sujet. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine sur carnet A6

  • Mr Eye Mr Eye is très chic. You see, he’s got the eyes for clothesHe doesn’t look no expenses to be seen on his best.Always watchful for novelties, Mr Eye is a visionary.***Mr. Oeil est très chic, Voyez-vous, il a l’oeil pour se vêtir.Il ne regarde pas à la dépense, car il faut voir et…

  • Perseus vs Medusa – Come on, you monster! I don’t fear you! *thumping noise*– Ouch.*tumbling noise*– I know ‘bout your gaze… ’bout your hair…*sound of a vase breaking*– Oh dang it! Where are you?*sploch*– ha-HA! found you! Now gaze upon yourself in my shield’s reflexion!*splish*– Ouch! that’s… itch? *** – Allez, montre-toi Méduse ! Je…

  • Djin in a bottle 02 – HUMMM… I DUNNO… IS IT GOOD?– Yeah man, th’s the finest. Many thanks!– MMMMH… THEY ALL TASTE THE SAME TO ME.– Naaah, Wine is like, men, the blood of the eaérth. – MAYBE. WELL, NOW YOU GOT YOUR WISH, I SHOULD BE GOING.– Awwww. Will you be back?– YOU…

  • High vampire Ok, so now I’m a High Vampire.Now what? *** Bon, ayé. J’suis maintenant un Haut Vampire.Et après ? Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine sur carnet A6

  • The Holing Tree

    The Holing Tree – Sir! Behold what you’ve tasked us to find: The Holing Tree! – Sigh… I said: HOLY tree, not HOLING. You morons! – Oh… Deeply sorry sir. Er… Can’t we use it anyway? We searched long and hard and it looks nice. – It will have to do. *** – Chef! Contemplez…