Tag: random

  • Accidental Symbolism – What the… HERBERT!– Yeees?– Care to explain THAT?– Ah… hum… You see the other day, when I was playing with the holographic meta-projector, testing stuff and throwing multidimensional images at random places through the city.– Yes, I remember.– I maaay have accidentally and totally not on purpose created a new… religion?– What?–…

  • Come at me Inspiration This my incantationTo catch the InspirationCome to me! senses influxFrom your mix here comes the crux. *** Ceci est mon incantationPour trouver l’inspirationVenez à moi brides sensoriellesDe votre mélange né l’essentiel Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine sur carnet A6

  • What is going on? I’m asking seriously. I was drawing with a blank mind on a subway platform, and I havn’t the slightiest idea of what is going on here. Do you? *** Non mais sérieux, je vous le demande. J’étais en train de gribouiller l’esprit vide sur un quai de métro et du coup…