Tag: scarecrow

  • I found me cow Poor Maggie… I found ye at last!, dut yer dead. Yer all… dry and brittly. Wha’ happ’ned to ye!?.. kof…‘tis the smoke, he Maggie? …kof…Darned blasted yellow smog! Where did it come from? *** Krita on Yiynova *** Ma pauv’ Maggie… J’tai enfin trouvée. T’est toute morte. Toute… sèche et… racornie.…

  • New scarecrow Nobody likes my new scarecrow. Why? ‘tis just twigs and old rags. Why the hate?And this one works nice. See? No crows.Not a single one in sight.No tits either… Unrelated question, have you seen my cow? *** Krita on Yiynova *** Chai pas pourquoi personne n’aime mon nouvel épouvantail.C’est juste des brindilles et…