Tag: secret

  • Behold, Cat The Wise Archbishop of the Tetraverse don’t know what to do. Nor does the Subvizir of the Opalescent Aerial Palace.The crow’s whispering. William (the Megachancelor of the Iridescent Nirvana of the Universal Salvation) must do something, and quick… but what? There’s simply no precedent in the protocol.The intruder, a short-head female cat named…

  • Secret stairs, Guardian pair High above the Pass of the Damned, hidden beyond the edge of the cliff, there’s secret stairs carved in ancient masonry that no one knows the origin. Scholars still speculate on this artificial construction, and many adventurers went looking for a way inside to what must be some forgotten dungeon full…

  • The Conclave – Finally! I thought it would never end.– Oh it’s far from over. Now we need to go through the addendums, then the annexes…– Seriously? How long will it…– …then once the committee has deliberated on the validation status, then we can make a proposal for rectifications…– and then it’s over?– …and then…

  • Smoktober 27 – “I cannot thank you enough, Delilah. I’m cured! Breathing’s now a delight, everything smells anew!”– “I see. And you, Sarah? Will you be all right?”– “I will, for sure. Thank you. Thank you. How did you knew?”– “Elijah told me, long ago. About your wish.”– “What did I told you about? I…

  • Smoktober 22 “Did you think I was the one making all this smoke ?That’s funny, but no. It comes from this hidden holeIt leads to the undergound place of those you search”“Will they help us to cure my beloved?” said the wife“Oh they will. and more. But I must ask you to …” “I will…

  • River in the woods Come here by the river, away from the sun my lovedip your sore feet in the fresh water hear a gentle wind shake the leaves aboveAnd let us rest here a while together *** Viens te réfugier à l’ombre des arbresTrempe tes petits petons dans l’eau fraîcheÉcoute le vent chahuter les…

  • Nessie I firmly believe that faith can create something. Not something as childish and simple as a mystical creature, an elusive cryptid, a supreme being or a hero, no. Faith create stories, complex spiritual constructs that act on our consciousness or better our unconsciousness. The old Egyptians believed that names haves power, the power to…

  • Glade In the forest, there is a glade, soaked in sunlightA patch of light, jewel embedded in the forest   In this place grows a tiny tree, ‘tis not a jestStay for a while and you’ll see glowing at night ! *** Au plus profond des bois, une clairièreCachée entre les troncs, ecrin de lumièreEn…

  • Skopa Draconis – Servant of Shadows Is it there ? Is it me ? Is it just a game ? Thanks to the gentle patronage of a kind Dragoness (not kidding), I designed a card game based on the traditional Italian Game Scopa.Each card is customized to the theme and needs of a french Larp…