Tag: strange

  • Not the same – So tell me my dear. Why this sudden isolation?– It’s… not the same.– How’s that?– Sometimes, everything looks… different. Unreal. Shifted.– I don’t undesrand wat you sai.– I… I think I have… hallucinations. Phases when the world around me… changes– Clou yu rlipeat? Idid ant ket iou rla stphase.– I’m sorry,…

  • Space Peanut reentry Wouldn’t be the strangest thing of these last years… *** Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook ****** Porte-mine sur carnet A6 *** Ce serait pas le truc le plus étrange qui nous soit tombé dessus ces dernières années…

  • Forest Monolith One by one they appearsDeep into the forests,One by one they bloomsHidden into the woods, There’s monoliths all aroundAppearing without a soundThere’s monoliths everywhereNo one knows why they’re here. *** Krita + Yiynova *** Un par un ils apparaissentAu plus profond des forêtsUn par un ils poussent, pourquoi ?Cachés au fond des bois …

  • Smoktober 03 One night his wife wakes him up. She’s quite angry, and she yells at him:“I told you to stop smoking in the house! Especially in bed!”But as soon as she makes some light the room, she become worried.The old sailor was not smoking the pipe. He’s smoking… himself!Thin trails of smoke were pouring…

  • Handy man Let him give you a heads up,For he will not lend you a hand,And please accept his helpOr meet his friends with more legs *** Ne le laissez pas vous tenir têteAcceptez son coup de mainCar sinon il il s’entêteEt vous présente ses copains Wacom intuos + Gimp

  • Cube of matters Its a matter of cubeOr a cube of mattersI’m not hyper of this cubeNot that it matters… *** C’est un problème cubiquePermutations avant arrièrela solution est uniquePeu importe la matière Pencil doodle on A6 setchbook + Gimp / Porte mine sur carnet A6 + Gimp       

  • Mr Eye Mr Eye is très chic. You see, he’s got the eyes for clothesHe doesn’t look no expenses to be seen on his best.Always watchful for novelties, Mr Eye is a visionary.***Mr. Oeil est très chic, Voyez-vous, il a l’oeil pour se vêtir.Il ne regarde pas à la dépense, car il faut voir et…

  • (Very) Exotic Dancer …aaaand last but not least, let us welcome our ultimate contestant from Rigel III : F-[è]aà%gr*stt§t!‘g that will interpret for you tonights a re-imagination of the famous ballet Swhanli Lake !    ***    …eeeet maintenant je vous demande un tonnerre d’applaudissements pour accueillir notre ultime participant, sa célébrité en provenance de…

  • Macabre After trying to draw cute for a while I have to do a little macabre to see if my skills are intact. *** Après m’être efforcé de dessinner du mignon durant si longtemps, j’ai besoin de faire un peu de macabre pour vérifier que je n’ai rien perdu. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook /…

  • The strange tree It started as a little scab, a round yellowish growth on the pear tree.Mr Thompson tried to remove it but it was so sturdy that the knife ripped and he cut his hand, spilling blood everywhere. Martha had to take him to the doctor to get stitches, and once they get back,…