Tag: strong

  • Lord Timmy 08 – Choc Human bodies aren’t like meat vessels. you can’t remotely control them like puppets, safely hidden in a corner of their mind. A possession is more like intertwining your own thoughts and memories with the target’s, unable to say thereafter which ones were yours to begin with. Right now, the fusion…

  • Atlas I was kinda fed up with the traditional uber-viril Atlas, paragon of masculinity bending his hypertrophied muscles.So here’s an alternate version. *** J’en avais un peu marre de la version ultra-virile d’Atlas, parangon de masculinité bandant ses muscles hypertrophiés.Alors voici une variante. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine sur carnet A6      

  • Inktober 2019 – 06 – Husky Brother Hulk is not skilled with the occult texts, or even with reading for that matter.But when brother Hulk talks, people tends to listen, for he is quite the proselyte one. Many says he had a real impact on them *** Frère Hulk n’est pas très doué avec les…

  • Inktober 2019 – 06 – Husky Brother Hulk is not skilled with the occult texts, or even with reading for that matter.But when brother Hulk talks, people tends to listen, for he is quite the proselyte one. Many says he had a real impact on them *** Frère Hulk n’est pas très doué avec les…

  • The strongest coffee – Tell you what mate, I recogn’. That’ is a damn strong one.– Yer dare me for “the strongest coffee y’got” Here it is. Now drink it.– Hugh… ok, Can I least get a fork? *** – Ok Roger, t’as gagné. C’est bien le plus costaud que j’ai vu.– Hé, fallait pas…

  • Soul soothing words Words can heal too.Use them profusely. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook

  • Strong resolution Preparation are everything. As they go through the morning routine, they keep sharpening their mind, achieving the mindless state of mind.Nothing can offset their balance now, no sound nor sight. Their resolution is the key, an unstoppable will, capable of remodeling reality itself. There is an old saying, from Terry the preacher, that…