Tag: tree
Secret stairs, Guardian pair High above the Pass of the Damned, hidden beyond the edge of the cliff, there’s secret stairs carved in ancient masonry that no one knows the origin. Scholars still speculate on this artificial construction, and many adventurers went looking for a way inside to what must be some forgotten dungeon full…
Trees on the walls With time and water, roots can break the hardest, sturdiest, highest walls. They will find or make the cracks where to grow; And they will grow and push and pull until rocks are falling apart.Sure, human can rebuild. They can clean and cut, they can even poison the soil.But humans can’t…
Cliffhanger Growing on the edge of the world, at the very edge of precipice.Needs ever growing sturdy roots, to avoid falling underneathA predicament, a permanent risk, a danger of all instantsAnd yet, one of the best place to see all of the world /* Pencil doodle on A5 sketchbook – Crayon sur carnet A6 */…
Rainbow Tree The little lizard eats a fruit from the rainbow tree. They find the taste succulent. Magenta ares the tastiest for sure!They wish they could taste more.Too bad they’re colorblind, each time’s a guess. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Le petit lézard déguste un succulent fruit de…
Still growing Our world is in turmoil. Fighting, diseases, crisis, fear everywhere.Really everywhere?In our backyard, they’re still growing.Uncaring.Fearless.Life had, and will be wiped again.And yet, each time, it restarted.I think it will restart again.Without us. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Notre monde est en crise, empli de guerre,…
Castle Mountain High and mighty it sits atop, Castle Mountain is standing proudly like a… well, like a roc.Because it’s one.The result of a spell of Stoneshift. Nothing inside but stones,Damn’ wizards… at least we got a landmark for tourists. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6*/ Haut et fière Il…
Lost rabbit A rabbit? Again? Why do keep drawing them? Where do they come for?This one seems different… /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Un lapin ? Encore !? Comment se fait-ce que j’en dessine autant ? D’où viennent-ils ?Celui-là semble différent…
To the Village Traveling light, lost in nature.No way to scan, so here’s picturesI’m still drawing, I’m still chasingMy greatest dreams, soon is coming /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Je voyage léger, perdu dans les bois d’en hautPas de scan à portée, alors je prends photode mes rêves…
Resting tree Come lay in the shade of the lone treeFeel the gentle breeze, watch rabbits playYou can stay here, you can rest all dayThere’s no hurry, there is only me, /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Veux tu te reposer sous mes branches ombragées ?Laisse la brise te…
Leaving colors I will leave it here, a slight touch of colorI have no use of it, I’ve made some moreIt is time for me to move, to walk awayI must find a new canvas to paint /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Je laisse mes couleurs ici, c’est…