Tag: watching

  • Is they going to be ok? – Oh tell us, maker, is they gonna be ok?– Yes, please maker, tell us.– Shh… Let me work *** Krita on Yiynova *** – Oh dites nous Créateur, va-t-il s’en sortir ?– Oui, dites-nous créateur – Shh… laissez moi travailler     

  • Sleep Guardian Sleep tight, tonight, the Guardian’s watching over you Dream far and wide, venture the realms of the unknownYou’re safe, you’re warm, the Guardian is protecting youEmbrace, hold tight, once you’re awake it will be gone *** Dors bien ce soir, le Gardien veille sur ton sommeilRêve loin, rêve large, explore les contrées oniriquesNe…

  • Still doodling

    Still doodling 1200 and continuing… I am indeed a serial doodler. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for watching! Each one of you comments warms my heart and let me keep going, keep progressing ^^ I hope the strange images spurring from my mind to the paper will keep you entertained for…