Tag: weird

  • Ms Cuddle wants a treat Ms Cuddle wants a treat. Better give it to her or else… mischief happens. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Miss Chafouine veux une gâterie. il vaudrait mieux la lui donner. Sinon, il vous arrivera des… bricoles.

  • Crying Mountains Beyond Mnar’s hills, there’s a valley,Filled with mounts shaped like giant headsFrom their open mouths, from their caved eyes,Crying rivers of fog, rivers of tears, For why? For who? Gods knows. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Au delà des collines Mnar, il est une valléeParsemée de…

  • Clown gift Bonzorgothzoïd is a clown (apprentice)He likes to make people laugh (hysterically)He like to make funny gifts (with tentacles)Never a dull day with him (nor a safe one) /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Bonzorgothzoïd est un clown (apprenti)Il aime faire rire les gens (de manière hystérique)Il aime…

  • Anxious Neighbor

    Anxious Neighbor Is it weird if I grill you some eyes to go with your sausage? *** C’est ok si je vous grille quelques yeux avec votre saucisse ? Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Criterium sur carnet A6

  • Ereghastiel Oh Ereghastiel! Angel of Mildly Fear!Give me a slight apprehension of God!Make me fear a little his might!Be a little weird to watch (but not too much)! Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook

  • elodieunderglass: So I had the strangest dream this weekend and nobody understands me so I need to share it with you because you might. Press J to skip this post if you can’t deal, I will accept this. In my dream I was standing on the back deck of a rural cabin that overlooked a…

  • elodieunderglass: So I had the strangest dream this weekend and nobody understands me so I need to share it with you because you might. Press J to skip this post if you can’t deal, I will accept this. In my dream I was standing on the back deck of a rural cabin that overlooked a…