Tag: wine

  • Djinn in a bottle 04 – You’re back!– SALUTATIONS.– I’m so glad to see you again. Since you told me all wine tasted the same to you, I’ve been stockpiling some oddities.– OH? YOU’VE PICKED MY INTEREST. HOW VERY NICE OF YOU TO DO SO.– Let’s celebrate! ***– T’es de retour !– SALUTATIONS.– J’suis si…

  • Djin in a bottle 03 – You have to tell me, I must met him!– Wha can I say? I dunno where to find him. – But…But surely you can secure a meeting.  I’m willing to pay triple, no ten… a thousand times the usual for securing a single casket of this nectar!– A casket,…

  • Djin in a bottle 02 – HUMMM… I DUNNO… IS IT GOOD?– Yeah man, th’s the finest. Many thanks!– MMMMH… THEY ALL TASTE THE SAME TO ME.– Naaah, Wine is like, men, the blood of the eaérth. – MAYBE. WELL, NOW YOU GOT YOUR WISH, I SHOULD BE GOING.– Awwww. Will you be back?– YOU…