Tag: Wish

  • Djin in a bottle 02 – HUMMM… I DUNNO… IS IT GOOD?– Yeah man, th’s the finest. Many thanks!– MMMMH… THEY ALL TASTE THE SAME TO ME.– Naaah, Wine is like, men, the blood of the eaérth. – MAYBE. WELL, NOW YOU GOT YOUR WISH, I SHOULD BE GOING.– Awwww. Will you be back?– YOU…

  • Wished Wings Standing on top, looking higherWinds gets stronger, my will’s clearerDare to utter my wish louder:Give me two wings made of aether! *** Perché bien haut, les cieux je mireLes vents me poussent à oser direMon voeux secret, profond désir :Je veux des ailes d’Éther pour fuir ! Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook /…