Tag: zombie

  • The Dee sanction 4/4 – A Cook Does this cook taste good?Oh yes, very raw.But it’ll cost you an eye… /* Last of a 4 part commission illustrating a Cthulhu Hack RPG supplement for the Dee Sanction ( https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/allrolledup/the-dee-sanction-adventures/ )( The Dee sanction: http://thedeesanction.com/ */ Est-ce un bon cuisinier ?Oui, quoique très cru.Et il coûte…

  • Consequences of consequences – Tell me zombie doctor, how is it? – Very bad I’m afraid. What was he thinking? – I honestly don’t know. I was there, minding my business, and this silly fellow here started screaming all of a sudden and jumped from up there. I think I heard several thunks and a…