Convention Booth

I was holding a stand with my sweetheart at a fantasy convention in Paris this weekend.
It was my first experience from the other side of the table and it was a very stressful experience for the introvert i am, but much needed as I want to try selling my doodles and my craft more. We had some dreadful hiccups along the way (my sweetheart lost their phone in the subway :/) but overall, had plenty of fun. I even had the joy to encounter one of my childhood idol : Didier Guiserix, who is one of the one which made me want to start drawing in the first place. Sitting behind the stand and watching cosplayers pass through while exchanging with so many peoples, gave me myriads of inspirations.

So… Expect a lot of random doodle for the next weeks ^^

Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook


