Tag: fantasy

  • First Blood: Krontukald-Kazakongzan – Book Cover Durant le premier âge, les nains – le peuple de Duka – fondèrent la plus grande et la plus prospère cité du monde émergé. Dans les profondeurs de la plus haute montagne du Monde, la première Reine : Volgit, fit creuser Dol Rual. Mais voici que commence le second…

  • Legged jugs Come closer, ladies’n’gents! And contemplate the latest creation of Heny’s Workshop Animagic: the marvelous legged jugs!Don’t you get tired of carrying around heavy, big, drippping amphoras, bottles, kegs and barrels? What if your jugs could just… walk around?Imagine having a legged jug that will never tire, follow you everywhere and pour on command!Wait,…

  • Growing city – Oh dear! this is marvelous !– Illithianiov is a growing city int he very litteral sense, my dear. I knew you’d like it.– But… how?– On this very place, a long time ago. huge visitors came from the stars. We don’t know the details but they fought with each others. They fought…

  • Ready for battle Ho-How! ‘tis the eve of battle!Ho-How! ’tis the time to rattle!Sharpen your gear, put up your coatTonight’s the night to face our foes! Traditional dwarven battle chant *** Ho-How ! Sortez vos haches !Ho-How ! Mettez vos mailles !Ce soir nous marchons vers la batailleCe soir parmi nous, pas un seul lâche…

  • Hold on to your fantasies Hold on to your fantasies, to your passions, to your dreams.Cherish them, nurtur them, let them grow and flourish. Sometime’s the world is a sad place, don’t let our only ray of sunshine get away.More than ever we need unhinged stories and art and songs. More that ever we need…

  • The end of the road At last companions, we’ve reached the end of the roadIt was long, it was fun. We were young, now we’re oldIt’s time to rest our feet, It’s time to stop walkingThe castle at the edge of the world is waiting *** Hardi fiers compagnons, c’est la fin du voyageCe fut…

  • The new Bridgekeeper The toll gate of the Northern bridge has always been a disaster. Rampant corruption, thieves, crowding and incivilities plagued the passage, the only one through the ravines of Tel-Kheshiv. King Keltar tried again and again various solutions, from deploying guards to building depots for regulating traffic above the way. Nothing worked until…

  • Last Man Standing

    Last Man Standing What’s the point of fighting, When everyone’s dying? When your home is burning? Why did you keep standing? Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook *** Pourquoi encore lutter ? Ton château à brûlé, Tes gens sont décédés, Pourquoi diable résister ? Criterium sur carnet A6

  • Lord Athabaskon the First

    Lord Athabaskon the First Lord Athabaskon the First will stay the first for a long time. There is no second nor there will be a third. Comparing to humans, Dragons have a very extended lifespan. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook Do you too want a doodle from me? Just tell me at ko-fi.com/Astanael *** Lord…

  • Lava Dragon

    Lava Dragon Long time no dragons! So here is a nice fellow, getting out of his lava bath to greet you. Hum… You are fireproof, aren’t you? *** Ca fait longtemps que j’ai pas gribouillé de dragons ! Alors en voici un gentil qui sort de son bain pour vous saluer. Hum… Vous êtes ignifugés…