Tag: drawing

  • Hummm – What’s next?– I don’t know. I don’t even know this map– Hummmm…– We’re lost? I can’t tell.– I think so?… I think… I think we lost the story.– Ok. I get it. We can’t tell where we should be going. We can’t tell where it should be going. That’s the twist.– Yeah… But…

  • Down below the crowd Down below the crowd I keep drawingNot because I’ll be famous, rich or respectedDoesn’t matter to where I’m progressingAs long as kept on scribbling my dreams /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Accroupi sous la foule, tapis, je dessinneC’est pas pour être connu, riche ou…

  • Mona Lisa Boooooring…Let’s fix it ! /* Krita + Yiynova */ Allez, je suis sur que je peux faire mieux que le maitre. Y’a plus qu’à ajouter de la couleur

  • Hold on to your fantasies Hold on to your fantasies, to your passions, to your dreams.Cherish them, nurtur them, let them grow and flourish. Sometime’s the world is a sad place, don’t let our only ray of sunshine get away.More than ever we need unhinged stories and art and songs. More that ever we need…

  • Inktober 2019 – 10 – Pattern – Listen brother, your skills are not in question here. – Then what? The pentacle is accurate, the circles is triple checked and I even added extra protections around!– Then why did you drew it on the wall and not the floor? – So what? – Imagine what will…

  • Drawn Drawing Dragoness Delilah, desirable dragonness, drawing delightful daring doodles. *** Delilah, douce dragonne désirable dessinne des doodles deviants. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Criterium sur carnet A6