Tag: epic

  • Epic Tatoo 5 – Celt Romans, you came with gifts and wonder, and violence,Romans, you tried to reduce Lug’s voice to silenceRomans, you brought winter in our land, in our heartsAll seasons comes to pass, springtime’s here, so’s our wrath *** Romains, venus chargés de cadeaux merveilleuxRomains, qui avez étouffé la voix des DieuxRomains, qui…

  • Epic Tatoo 3 – Druid Inner and outer are the same, open your eye.The cosmos is within yourself, open your eye.Reality, dreams intertwines, open you eye.The stars are aligned, They comes. Close your eye. *** Dedans et dehors sont semblables, ouvre ton oeil.L’infini cosmos est en toi, ouvre ton oeil.Reve, Réalité s’entremèlent, ouvre ton oeil.Les…

  • Epic Tatoo 1 – The Black Knight The Dark Portal is now open, the orcs are there.They kill, loot and plunder, there is no surrender, Richs and poors alike has been tortured and hung,The kingdom has fallen, the crown is now broken. *** Le Noir Portail est ouvert, la Horde débarqueIls pillent et tuent sans…

  • Back from Hell Ooooh yeah ! Best edition so far.Daily doodles will now resume mow that I’m back from hell! *** Oooh yeah ! Meilleur fest ever !Les gribouillis peuvent reprendre maintenant que je suis revenu de l’enfer. www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZNeas…Pencil doodle on A6 Hellsketchbook / Criterium sur canret A6 de l’enfer

  • Good Omens Hat tip to @neil-gaiman and all the wonderful team of Good Omens for taking up the challenge of adapting such a precious book to me ! I read it a long time ago, almost by accident. It made me discover two of my favorites authors at the same time. Sir Pratchett would be…