Tag: monster
BbbbBBlbbBlbbLllLblbll BbbbBBlbbBlbbLllLblbllBbbbLllBll lbbLll lbllLllBbl bblbBlBlbB lllLb lBbbbBbBbb llBlBlbBbblBBlbbLllBblBbb lbbBlLbllBbllbb /* BllbBLbLblbBbBlbb lbbLllLllLbbBlbbB lllLb blBbbbb bbbLblBLLblbBbbbLbbbLllLllLbl – BllbLllBlbLBLlBbLbB bbbBblBlb lblbBlBlbLbBL blBbbbb */ LbbbLllLbBlllLllBblBlb lblbllLblbLllLlLlBLbL blBlbbBlbbBLlbb bbblLllBblBbb bLb lblbBLLB blbBlLbbBbBBblBbbB blllLllBblBlbLbBB bbllbb
Shoggoth Chori They can do the aria and accompanimentThey can do duet, trio and quartet, and moreWith voices from beyond, for your amusementJust once, come and listen to the Shoggoth’s choir ! /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Qui peut chanter l’aria et l’accompagnement ?Qui peut chanter duo, trio,…
Shoggoth’s Orchestras Holding woods and winds, they drums,Blowing brass and horns, they roarsBehold the Shoggoth’s Orchestras!At least they didn’t sung this time /* Pencil doodle on A6 shetchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ De ses cordes, de ses bois, de ses cuivresIls tempêtent, ils martèlent, ils expirent,Mieux vaux fuir l’Orchestre du Shogoth !Heureusement, ils…
At the Cine Let’s go to the movies…Let’s go see the starsAnything you can imagine…Songs and romance.Life is the dance.Sitting in the darkness,popcorn on your knee!Give the maid the night off,And maybe bite some heads off! – Annie – Let’s Go to the Movies (1982) – mostly /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine…
Blocked? Oh dear… an Elder Sigil! Cast and carved out of thin air!? What a feat!We’re impressed, we must say.Too bad it only forbids us to go through, not around. /* Krita + Yiynova */ Alors ça… Un Signe des Anciens! Gravé d’air pur !? Quel exploit !Nous sommes impressionnés, c’est peu de le dire.Dommage…
Eye to Eye Look at me in the eye,While I am staring too,What if I see in I,Something not me into? /* Krita + Yiynova */ Quand je plonge mon regardDroit dans mes yeux, sans fardsQue ferait-je si j’y voisAutre chose que moi ?
Good Manners Humans says good manners are important. Practice makes it perfect they said,So here I am, practicing, mannering.I sure hope the restaurant will let me in, next time. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Les bonnes manières c’est important disent les humains. C’est en pratiquant qu’ont devient qu’ils…
Keep reading weird things Keep reading weird things.Things you don’t understand yet,Non-obvious things,Uncomfortable things,Unconventional things,Things that baffles you,Things you hate and love at the same time. Staying in the already known is stalling. Discovering requires trying. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mines sur carnet A6 */ Continuez de lire des trucs étranges.Des trucs…
Homonculus A bit of flesh, a bit of bones,I’ll create an homonculusA creature that’s me and usSo now we won’t be alone /* Krita + Yiynova */ Un peu de chair, un peu de sangJe crée un homonculus dedansUne créature comme toi et moiPour ne plus être seule sous ce toit
Epic Snail Battle On the third of may 1358, Sir Galond the braveDefended our land by jousting a foul beast with no legsValiant he was, but his foe, two more hemp did haveAnd sadly so, Sir Galond slimed to death was. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Les premiers…