Tag: science

  • Observing “The abyss gaze back”, indeed…But so do everything, our world is a mirror.As it says : “The observer affects the readings.” */ Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ L’abîme me regarda en retour, dit-on.Mais de même que le reste. Le monde est à notre image.Comme on dit : “L’observateur…

  • Climbing DNA Is evolution a red herring? The constant upward course of an unique code, unidirectional, improved with each iteration?No, of course.Going up or down the stream is all but linear. It’s like wandering though a time-maze, and infinity of trials and errors, ever intersecting and recrossing to spawn temporary solutions to a given situation.…

  • Micro and Macro Patterns are the same at micro and macroFrom the infinite below to the infinite aboveWe find the same shapes, the sames tropesAn infinite of infinite ways to see our world /* Pencil doodle on A6 Sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Les structures se répètent du micro au macroDepuis l’infiniment petit…

  • Pending analysis Research Log 1986-05-065The sample seems to stay stable this time. Let’s see…Viscosity…ok. Temperature… consistent. Gamma radiation level… … That’s can’t be good. *** Krita + Yiynova *** Entrée de journal 1986-05-065. L’échantillon semble stable cette fois. Voyons voir…Viscosité…ok. Température… normale. Radiation gamma…. … C’est pas bon ça.      

  • Why did I make that ?

    Why did I make that ? There must be a reason but I can’t remember… Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook *** Bon, pourquoi ai-je créé ça ? J’ai beau réfléchir, impossible de me rappeler pourquoi… Porte-mine sur carnet A6

  • Why did I make that ? There must be a reason but I can’t remember… Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook *** Bon, pourquoi ai-je créé ça ? J’ai beau réfléchir, impossible de me rappeler pourquoi… Porte-mine sur carnet A6

  • I am no medic, part 2 Stop squirming, you’ll broke the stitches ! *** Arrete de remuer, tu va défaire mes points ! Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Criterium sur carnet A6

  • I am no medic – Like I said earlier, I am no medic.– Whatever. Can you fix him?– Oh, sure!– Hold on! Drop the gun! Why the gun?– Well, they are easier to fix when they are not complaining. So less fuss. I’ll resuscitate him later.– Hey you both, can I have a saying in…

  • Science ! – MOUHAHAHA! With the power of Science, I will rule them all!– That is not science.– Excuse me?– What you are doing is just fooling around, at best fiddling.– But…but… I’ve got labcoat, tubes, equations and everything!– That is lab work, not science.– But I’m experimenting, mixing stuff! creating something anew!– Then it’s…